Some recent projects:
Short Text Classification
For this project, I developed classifiers for a data set with short text documents and many semantically overlapping categories. See the paper here is a free subscription service for the competitve skydiving community. Users are emailed new competition skydiving sequences every day in order to enhance their training programs.
cppTrader is a C++ framework for implementing and testing automated stock-trading systems.
MIME Types
For this project, I developed an algorithm for content-based file type detection that used clustering and byte-frequency signatures. This was implemented as an extension to Apache Tika . We also examined the effect of file size on normalized byte-frequency signatures. See the paper here

Inf is a first-order predicate logic inference engine that can build knowledge bases and query them using backward chaining.
Tying Knots With Liquid Crystals
For my undergraduate thesis, I looked at creating knotted topological defects in liquid crystal simulations. See the paper here .